Young people with role models who inspire

Educating our young people with role models who inspire

Why should we encourage our young people to read inspirational books like this? Good night Rebel girls.

Well as Women’s International day is only around the corner, I wanted to share a book that is loved by my 10-year-old daughter and seems to be quite a popular book amongst girls aged 7-10.

This is a time where our young people are feeling anxious about many things in their lives. The topic of Body image has always been a concern for our young people and now they have the added pressure from missing school for a year due to Covid. I have worked with young people for 16 years in education and have seen the growing effects that social media has placed on them causing a huge amount of vulnerability, anxiety, and increased numbers of Mental Health issues in children as young as 7.

According to the Mental website, 11–16-year-olds in the UK, 70% of adolescents said that how they look is important to them and over half 52% said their body image causes them to “often” or “always” worry.

Supporting our Young

So how can we as parents and educators support our young people of today so they can feel more positive about themselves both internally and externally?

Rebel Girls is an excellent example showing girls around the world of how they can dream bigger, aim higher and fight harder regardless of where they are from or what they look like. In my review on my you Tube Channel I talk about the range of women that are included in this book from all different walks of life, ages, and ethnicity and how they have accomplished all their dreams and aimed higher in life pushing through the difficulties that they have encountered in their lives. Every woman in the book has experienced a set back or challenge in their life and each woman represents someone extraordinary who has worked hard to accomplish their dreams come true.

I believe young people need to have the tools from a young age so that they feel better equipped later in life to feel happier and more secure within themselves which will in turn make them feel comfortable with who they are from a young. This book represents an excellent example of this.

I would welcome any of your comments or feedback on my review below!

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